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Vertical Parking Systems

VERTICAL PARKING SYSTEMS (VPS) designs, installs, and services automated parking systems that reduce the footprint needed for parking and can typically be done at a lower cost per space than conventional parking. As your vehicle parking/storage consultant VPS develops customized solutions that save land and amplify the benefits of every invested dollar. We provide Quad car stackers, Automatic Car Parking System, Rotary elevator parking system, Puzzle parking system, garage system in Canada.

Benefits of Smart Parking System And How it Works - PDF

If you have been facing problems with your parking space then it is time to convert your parking space into a park the smart way. This will not only help the car owners to park the cars smartly but also increase the parking space in your car park. Automatic Car Parking System Project have increased the smart parking space as well as accommodated a larger number of cars than before.

Source: http://www.4shared.com/s/fD_72KD4Kfi